I recently found a great site filled with quotes from famous photographers. ?Its called?photoquotes.com?and even has an index so you can look up your favourite photographer by surname.

For example I looked up?Henri Cartier-Bresson [1908 ? 2004] A French photographer – considered to be the father of modern photojournalism. ?Here is an example of one of his quotes:
Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again.?-?Henri Cartier-Bresson
More of his quotes can be found on the photoquotes website,?here.??The site also hosts some photos and references to books and interviews with each photographer. ?Here is one of Cartier-Bresson’s?photos.

Postscript: ?As a fun exercise, putting on my programmer hat, ?I wrote what’s known as a ‘scraper script’ hosted on ScraperWiki?which specialises in hosting scripts which ‘scrape’ the internet’s vast data sources and html pages for information. ?The people who write these scripts often collate and present?the data in new ways – its all very exciting and potentially politically empowering (e.g. watch a video on how scraperwiki got started and some background on its politics).
Anyway, I was able to programatically pull out the quotes from the photoquotes website with my cartier bresson quotes?scraper?and list them in my own way – and made the quotes available as a csv/excel spreadsheet. ?Hmmm – I think the next step will be to expand the script to scrape all the quotations from photoquotes and build a graph showing which?photographer?has the most quotations!
Here is a website with some articles on famous photographers, describing their styles etc. http://www.surfersam.com/articles/famous-photographers.htm